RAD Membership
Be part of the largest global community of passionate teachers and students where members are supported with their studies and the growth of their businesses. Stay connected through your Members’ Area and access a range of exclusive RAD member only benefits.
How to Apply
Whether you’re interested in becoming a Member, Member Plus, or RAD RTS Member (inc. Life Membership), fill out the form below.
Renew Membership:
If you are already or have previously been a member and need to renew, fill out the form below.
Membership Fees
See the most up-to-date annual fees across all membership types
Become eligible for RAD RTS
Find the right membership for you
RAD Member
RAD Member Plus
RAD Registered Teacher
Membership Benefits
All members get to enjoy the benefits shown above, while our RAD Member Plus, RAD Teacher Inactive and RAD Registered Teacher categories are given additional tiered benefits. This includes voting rights for the AGM, opportunities to enter scholarships and awards, and eligibility for substantial discounts on Vocational Graded Exam fees from Advanced Foundation upwards.
For a comprehensive comparison of our membership categories, you can view our membership benefits table.