The New South Wales Regional Advisory Panel

The New South Wales Regional Advisory Panel supports RAD activities in the state. They have been helping to run the extremely successful state awards days for many years. The Joan and Monica Halliday OAM Awards for Graded students and the Isobel Anderson Awards for Vocational students attract over 500 participants annually.

Other highlights from this tireless panel include intensive examination preparation workshops in Sydney and regionally and one off special events such as masterclasses and Gala celebrations.

Meet the Panel

Current serving panel members include

New South Wales

Chair – Felicity Knight
Vice Chair – Kylie Ann Aliferis


Sonja Dene
Keirstin Long
Shelley Sinclair

Friends of the NSW Panel
Alice Carden
Fiona Jurd-Smith
Jodie Kerr
Tanya Lavis
Helen Taylor
Sophie Wighton


The NSW Regional Advisory Panel currently has 6 vacancies.


New South Wales Regional Advisory Panel AGM 2022

Free please register to attend
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