8 September 2022 11am AEST

Music Licensing for Royal Academy of Dance members webinar


Royal Academy of Dance and OneMusic are offering a free webinar on how to legally play music in your studio.

Music is as much of a character in every performance as the dancer themselves. And just like every dancer wants to be acknowledged for their talents – so too do the artists responsible for the music that brings every step to life.

With OneMusic you can quickly, easily and affordably license all of your favourite music as your dance partner.
Register for our free Zoom webinar – Music Licensing for Royal Academy of Dance members – now.

About OneMusic:
In the eyes of the law, music played at home is different to music played in a business.

If you use music protected by copyright in any way at your dance school you’ll typically need permission from the copyright owners or someone they have authorised to represent them.

In our country, OneMusic Australia owns (or represents the rights to use) virtually any commercially-released music from anywhere around the world. OneMusic issues licences so you can go ahead and use their music. That’s millions of the world’s most popular songs.

The money goes back to the music creators.

OneMusic does not license songs set to video/videos with a song. This is called a syncronisation (sync). The permission for syncs is granted only by the record label and the publishers.


For more information:
Contact: Alison Homer
CPD & Membership Services Manager
T:  +61 2 9380 1910
E: cpd@rad.org.au 


Link to attend

Key Information

Time Fee
11am AEST Free

Who can attend?


How to apply

Attend via the Zoom link